A concept App comp for JP Morgan Chase. JP Morgan Chase is a major sponsor of the US Open Championships, and the bank has a booth on the grounds of Arthur Ashe Stadium in NY where the championships were being held. The Chase Private Client Group was looking for a platform to engage with prospective customers during this period of the championships. We proposed a fun interactive mobile game app that would be geo-fenced and downloaded in the proximity of the stadium and the booth. The mobile app would use augmented reality to create a 3D game where the player captures dropping tennis balls, and redeem the total count at the Private Client booth for prizes and more information about the premium services. Led the creative direction and the wireframing, designs executed by art director.

App main landing

Instructions screen

Augmented reality game screen showing target zone to capture falling tennis balls into basket.

Capturing a Winner ball would display this screen.

Basket screen showing winning balls and special Chase balls that hold interesting US Open and Chase facts.

Screen promoting Chase Private Client in-app marketing content.

User experience flow, and interface studies.
Wireframe flow